Page:The Political History of the Devil - Defoe (1726).djvu/13

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Chap. I. Being an Introduction to the whole Work, Page 1

Chap. II. Of the Word DEVIL, as it is a proper Name to the Devil, and any or all his Host, Angels, &c. 18

Chap. III. Of the Original of the DEVIL, who he is, what he was before his Expulsion out of Heaven, and in what State he was from that Time to the Creation of Man 31

Chap. IV. Of the Name of the Devil, his Original, and the Nature of his Circumstances since he has been call’d by that Name 38

Chap. V. Of the Station Satan had in Heaven before he fell; the Nature and Original of his Crime, and some of Mr. Milton’s Mistakes about it 63Chap.