Page:The Political State of Europe for the Year MDCCXCII.djvu/7

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To the PUBLIC,

THE present political State of the Continent of Europe is critical and interesting; and claims, in the most peculiar manner, the attention of this country; and, although we are not engaged as parties, yet we cannot be indifferent spectators of the effects of the new Constitutions of France and Poland. The consequences of these great events menace the tranquility of other powers. Armies have already taken the field, and hostilities have been committed. What further powers may become engaged in these belligerent operations time will soon discover; but enough has been already seen, to manifest the utility, as well to the present age, as to posterity, of a Work entirely devoted to the politics and measures of the Continent at this period, consisting of an early and periodical collection of every State Paper, Declaration, Memorial, Manifesto, Letter, &c. of all the different Courts, their officers civil and military, which has been, and may be issued, during the progress of the war; together with the best and most authentic accounts of every military transaction; the whole stated with the strictest truth and impartiality.

Such a Work can require neither apology nor recommendation; its advantages are obvious and indisputable. The events which will be recorded are of the highest moment. They interest the legislator, the country gentleman, the merchant, the manufacturer, and trader of every defcription. The attention of all persons cannot fail being excited, in the progress of the present struggle for the establishment and arrangement of power. It is the exclusive design