Page:The Polygraphic Apparatus.djvu/23

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18 By means of drawing with the pin more neatness is edected, and not only is the writing executed in this manner more sharp, but by this means there are also figurative representations exe- cuted which resemble copperplate engravings. But by means of drawing with the pen a more independent execution is effected. The paper is not used first for the preliminary representation of the thought, which is transcribed afterwards to the stone, -—— but the artist commits his thought immediately on the stone -——- which most eagerly absorps the Indian ink used for this purpose -—·— and thus he furnishes his artistical production directly as a perfect representation. Our ingenious Peter Geiger has given us sutii- cient proofs of the powerful expression of his fancy, as well on paper as on stone, and convinced us what can be accomplished by means of drawings with pen and ink. Drawings with the chalk- pencil gain a more extensive iield every day, which is not so applicable to any other material than stone. How manifold is its application, we may perceive from the memorials of the academy of sciences that appeared. Flowers of the most beautiful blending of colours, butterflies, landscapes, petriiications, shells, geo- gnostical investigations, maps, architectural monuments, mosaic pavements , ancient codes, objects of art of the most diderent ‘ descriptions, the diseases of the skin of the human body in its innumerable variations; paintings in oil-colours as well as in water-colours, after different masters, make us acquainted with this mode of printing; and how great however the advantage may he that has already been derived from this art, it bears not the least proportion to the results that might yet be expected from · its proper application. In the locality appropriated to the exhibi- tion of the productions of the imperial printing-·0t'fice, we per- ccive a long range of chromo—lithographs which represent a small gallery of artistic prints of all kinds. But if we pay a visit to the picture-gallery in the Belvedere at Vienna, in the Pinacothek at Munich, to the one at Dresden, or if we go to Berlin or Dusseldorf, what an accumulation of 1 }