Page:The Portrait of a Lady (1882).djvu/137

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THE PORTRAIT OF A LADY. 129 however, even of the most exacting sort, would have contented themselves with Warburton. Perhaps you don't know he has been run after." "I don't wish to know. But it seems to me," said Isabel, " that you told me of several faults that he has, one day when I spoke of him to you." Ralph looked grave. "I hope that what I said then had no weight with you ; for they were not faults, the things I spoke of ; they were simply peculiarities of his position. If I had known he wished to marry you, I would never have alluded to them. I think I said that as regards that position he was rather a sceptic. It would have been in your power to make him a believer." " I think not. I don't understand the matter, and I am not conscious of any mission of that sort. You are evidently dis- appointed," Isabel added, looking gently but earnestly at her cousin. " You would have liked me to marry Lord Warburton." " Not in the least. I am absolutely without a wish on the subject. I don't pretend to advise you, and I content myself with watching you with the deepest interest." Isabel gave a rather conscious sigh. " I wish I could be as interesting to myself as I am to you ! " " There you are not candid again ; you are extremely interest- ing to yourself. Do you know, however," said Ralph, " that if you have really given Lord Warburton his final answer, I am rather glad it has been what it was. I don't mean I am glad for you, and still less, of course, for him. I am glad for myself." " Are you thinking of proposing to me ? " - "By no means. From the point of view I speak of that would be fatal ; I should kill the goo-e that supplies me with golden eggs. I use that animal as a symbol of my insane illu- sions. Whq,t I mean is, I shall have the entertainment of seeing what a young lady does who won't marry Lord Warburton." " That is what your mother counts upon too," said Isabel. " Ah, there will be plenty of spectators ! We shall contem- plate the rest of your career. I. shall not see all of it, but I shall probably see the most interesting years. Of course, if you were to marry our friend, you would still have a career a very honourable and brilliant one. But relatively speaking, it would be a little prosaic. It would be definitely marked out in advance ; it would be wanting in the unexpected. You know I am extremely fond of the unexpected, and now that you have kept the game in your hands I depend on your giving us some magnificent example of it."