Page:The Praises of Amida, 1907.djvu/82

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The Praises of Amida.

and is the secret cause of constant distress. Any one who has had practical experience of religious or ethical work will bear me out from his own knowledge.

8. Deceit, then, whether it take the form of a fictitiously high estimation of oneself or the reverse, is the seed that produces an ill crop of Suffering. And we, if we would escape from Suffering and gain peace of mind, must rid ourselves of this self-deceit by all means in our power. It is above all things necessary that we possess an honest and up right heart.

9. This honest and upright heart is the key that unlocks the Gate of Peace. It is the Well within us from which flows rest to the soul, and it is through this honest and upright heart only that we can enter into the Contented Life. But let there be no misunderstanding about this. When we speak of honesty and uprightness, we do not mean that the bad man is to turn into a good man, or the unloveable character into a man of good report. The honesty and uprightness of