Page:The Present State of Peru.djvu/526

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lowing practical information respecting the time which is required in ascending from the lake to Quito, and in the return. From the lake the traveller enters the Maranon by the Huallaga, and ascends in four days to the mouth of the river Pastasa. Proceeding by this river, he reaches in one day the port of Santander; in twelve, the town of Pinches; in two, that of Andoas; and in twenty, that of Canelos.[1] He travels thence by land, in eight days, to the baths; in one and a half, to Hambato; to Tacunga, in one day; and in two, to Quito. The return is much shorter, seeing that it does not require more than twenty-seven days and a half: the twelve and a half, as before, by land, to Canelos; thence, descending by the Bobonaza, to Andoas, seven days; to the mouth of the Pastasa, six days; and to the lake, two. It may hence be inferred, that it requires much less time to proceed from Lima to the lake, than from the lake to Quito; and the same observation applies to the return. Accordingly, in the route from Lima, twenty-three days only are employed;[2] and I did not require more than thirty-nine for the return, in the manner following: from the lake to Yurimaguas, three days; to the junction of the Moyobamba with the Huallaga, seven; to that of the Huayabamba, three; to the Port del Valle, two; to Sion, one; to the port of Pampa-Hermosa, three; and to Playa-Grande, eight. From the above town, the journey overland to Huanuco was performed by me in four days; and proceeding thence, at the expiration of eight others I reached Lima.


By this department the traveller may reach the river of Huanuco, by directing his route from Chavin to the haven of Chicoplaya, distant twenty-eight leagues. Twenty-six of these leagues are performed, with the help of mules, in five days, the following baiting-places intervening: namely Tantamayo, Carpa, Santa Rosa, Chipaco, Monzon, and Chicoplaya; and the other two are travelled on foot, from the latter town to its haven: thence to Playa-Grande there are nine leagues, which

  1. After having spent one day in the ascent from Andoas, he quits the Pastasa, and prosecutes the navigation by the river Bobonaza.
  2. Page 425.
