Page:The Presidents of the United States, 1789-1914, v. III.djvu/133

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ULYSSES SIMPSON GRANT 103 Memoirs of U. S. Grant," written by himself (2 vols., 1885- 6; revised and enlarged edition, 1895) ; "General Grant" (Great Commanders Series), by James Grant Wilson (1897); and "General Grant s Letters to a Friend" (1897). His wife, JULIA DENT, born in St. Louis, Mo., January 26, 1826, is the daughter of Frederick and Ellen Wrenshall Dent. At the age of ten years she was sent to Miss Moreau s boarding-school, where she remained for eight years. Soon after her return home she met Lieut. Grant, then of the 4th infantry, stationed at Jefferson barracks at St. Louis, and in the spring of 1844 became engaged to him. Their marriage, deferred by the war with Mexico, took place on August 22, 1848. The first four years of her married life were spent at Detroit, Mich., and at Sackett s Harbor, N. Y., where Capt. Grant was stationed. In 1852 Mrs. Grant returned to her father s home in St. Louis, her health not being sufficiently strong to accom pany her husband to California, whither his com mand had been ordered. Two years later he re signed from the army and joined his family in St. Louis. During the civil war Mrs. Grant passed much of the time with Gen. Grant, or near the scene of action, he sending for her whenever oppor tunity permitted. She was with him at City Point in the winter of 1864- 5, and accompanied him to