Page:The Presidents of the United States, 1789-1914, v. III.djvu/248

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204 LIVES OF THE PRESIDENTS extended to an appointee who had not been a sen ator. He was commissioned December 18, and re tained the office until July 11, 1878, making his service about six and two thirds years. The New York republican state convention, held at Syracuse, March 22, 1876, elected delegates to the national convention in favor of the nomination of Senator Conkling for president. The friends of Mr. Conkling in the state convention were led by Alonzo B. Cornell, then naval officer in the New York custom-house. A minority, calling them selves reform republicans, and favoring Benjamin H. Bristow for president, were led by George Wil liam Curtis. At the national convention at Cin cinnati, June 14, sixty-nine of the New York del egation, headed by Mr. Cornell, voted for Mr. Conkling, and one delegate, Mr. Curtis, voted for Mr. Bristow. At the critical seventh ballot, how ever, Mr. Conkling s name was withdrawn, and from New York sixty-one votes were given for Rutherford B. Hayes, against nine for James G. Blaine; and the former s nomination was thus se cured. At the New York republican state conven tion to nominate a governor, held at Saratoga, August 23, Mr. Cornell and ex-Gov. Morgan were candidates, and also William M. Evarts, supported by the reform republicans led by Mr. Curtis. Mr. Cornell s name was withdrawn, and Gov. Morgan was nominated. In the close state and presidential