Page:The Presidents of the United States, 1789-1914, v. III.djvu/261

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CHESTER ALAN ARTHUR 215 Charles J. Folger, of New York, was then nomi nated and confirmed, was commissioned October 27, and qualified November 14. He died in office Sep tember 4, 1884. The other members of the cabinet of President Arthur, and the dates of their com missions, were as follows : State department, Fred erick T. Frelinghuysen, of New Jersey, December 12, 1881; treasury, Walter Q. Gresham, of In diana, September 24, 1884; Hugh McCulloch, of Maryland, October 28, 1884; war, Robert T. Lin coln, of Illinois, March 5, 1881 (retained from Garfield s cabinet) ; navy, William E. Chandler, of New Hampshire, April 12, 1882; interior, Henry M. Teller, of Colorado, April 6, 1882; attorney-general, Benjamin H. Brewster, of Penn sylvania, December 19, 1881; postmaster-general, Timothy O. Howe, of Wisconsin, December 20, 1881 (died in office, March 25, 1883) ; Walter Q. Gresham, April 3, 1883; Frank Hatton, of Iowa, October 14, 1884. Messrs. Frelinghuysen, McCul loch, Lincoln, Chandler, Teller, Brewster, and Hatton remained in office until the end of the pres idential term. The prominent events of President Arthur s ad ministration, including his most important recom mendations to congress, may be here summarized: Shortly after his accession to the presidency he participated in the dedication of the monument erected at Yorktown, Va., to commemorate the sur-