Page:The Presidents of the United States, 1789-1914, v. III.djvu/263

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CHESTER ALAN ARTHUR 217 United States with the other American national ities. Representations were made by the adminis tration with a view to bringing to a close the devas tating war between Chili and the allied states of Peru and Bolivia. Its friendly counsel was offered in aid of the settlement of the disputed boundary-line between Mexico and Guatemala, and was probably influential in averting a war between those countries. On July 29, 1882, a convention was made with Mexico for relocating the boundary between that country and the United States from the Rio Grande to the Pacific, and on the same day an agreement was also effected permitting the armed forces of either country to cross the frontier in pursuit of hostile Indians. A series of reciprocal commercial treaties with the countries of America to foster an unhampered movement of trade was recommended. Such a treaty was made with Mex ico, January 20, 1883, Gen. U. S. Grant and Wil liam H. Trescott being the U. S. commissioners, and was ratified by the senate March 11, 1884. Similar treaties were made with Santo Domingo December 4, 1884; and November 18, 1884, with Spain, relative to the trade of Cuba and Porto Rico; both of which, before action by the senate, were withdrawn by President Cleveland, who, in his message of December 8, 1885, pronounced them inexpedient. In connection with commercial treaties