Page:The Presidents of the United States, 1789-1914, v. III.djvu/271

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CHESTER ALAN ARTHUR 225 On April 17, 1882, by special message, congress was urged to provide for "closing existing gaps in levees," and to adopt a system for the permanent improvement of the navigation of the river and for the security of the valley. Special messages on this subject were also sent January 8 and April 2, 1884. Appropriations were made of $8,500,000 for permanent work; and in 1882 of $350,000, and in 1884 of over $150,000, for the relief of the suf ferers from floods, the amount in the latter year being the balance left from $500,000 appropriated on account of the floods in the Ohio. These relief appropriations were expended under the personal supervision of the secretary of war. On August 1, 1882, the president vetoed a river- and-harbor bill making appropriations of $18,743,- 875, on the ground that the amount greatly ex ceeded "the needs of the country" for the then cur rent fiscal year, and because it contained "appro priations for purposes not for the common defence or general welfare," which did not "promote com merce among the states, but were, on the contrary, entirely for the benefit of the particular localities" where it was "proposed to make the improve ments." The bill, on August 2, passed congress over the veto by 122 yeas to 59 nays in the house, and 41 yeas to 16 nays in the senate. In connection with this subject it was suggested to congress, in the annual messages of 1882, 1883, and 1884, that