Page:The Presidents of the United States, 1789-1914, v. III.djvu/48

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26 LIVES OF THE PRESIDENTS He participated in the capture of San Antonio and the battle of Churubusco, August 20, and the battle of Molino del Key, September 8, 1847. In the latter engagement he was with the first troops that entered the mills. Seeing some of the enemy on the top of a building, he took a few men, climbed to the roof, received the surrender of six officers and quite a number of men. For this service he was brevetted a 1st lieutenant. He was engaged in the storming of Chapultepec on Sep tember 13, distinguished himself by conspicuous services, was highly commended in the reports of his superior officers, and brevetted captain. While the troops were advancing against the city of Mexico on the 14th, observing a church from the top of which he believed the enemy could be dis lodged from a defensive work, he called for volun teers, and with twelve men of the 4th infantry, who were afterward joined by a detachment of artillery, he made a flank movement, gained the church, mounted a howitzer in the belfry, using it with such effect that Gen. Worth sent for him and compli mented him in person. He entered the city of Mexico with the army, September 14, and a few days afterward was promoted to be 1st lieutenant. He remained with the army in the city of Mexico till the withdrawal of the troops in the summer of 1848, and then accompanied his regiment to Pasca- goula, Miss. He there obtained leave of absence