Page:The Presidents of the United States, 1789-1914, v. IV.djvu/274

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232 LIVES OF THE PRESIDENTS The people of China had but latterly changed the form of their government into a republic, patterned after the United States. No great nation had recognized the Republic, and there was doubt whether it would maintain itself. The President determined not to join hands with other nations in a loan coupled with conditions that denied the gov ernment of China a free hand. He resolved also that as soon as the Chinese legislative branch was organized he would recognize the new Republic. The people of the United States rejoiced in the recognition, and shortly other nations followed. In extending the recognition of the greatest western Republic to the oldest nation that had put on the robes of self-government, the addresses by the new President of China and the American rep resentative in China gave a thrill to all who believe that all governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed. The words of Presi dent Wilson constitute the best expression of American thought. He wrote: "The Government and people of the United States of America having abundantly testified their sympathy with the people of China upon their assumption of the attributes and powers of self- government deem it opportune at this time, when the representative National Assembly has met to discharge the high duty of setting the seal of full accomplishment upon the aspirations of the Chinese