Page:The Presidents of the United States, 1789-1914, v. IV.djvu/299

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APPENDICES 251 1849 ZACHARY TAYLOR, W. John M. Clayton, Sec. State. George W. Crawford, Sec. War. Thomas Ewing, Sec. Interior. Jacob Collamer, Post. Gen. MlLLARD FlLLMORE, W. William M. Meredith, Sec. Treas. William B. Preston, Sec. Navy. Reverdy Johnson, Att. Gen. Daniel Webster, ) Edward Everett, / Charles M. Conrad, Sec. War. William A. Graham, John P. Kennedy, 1850 MlLLARD FILLMORE, W. Sec. State. Post. Gen Nathan K. Hall, Samuel D. Hubbard, Thomas Corwin, Sec. Treas. Alex. II. H. Stuart, Sec. Interior. John J. Crittenden, Att. Gen. FRANKLIN PIERCE, D. William L. Marcy, Sec. State. Jefferson Davis, Sec. War. Robert McClelland, Sec. Interior. James Campbell, Post. Gen. 1853 WILLIAM R. KING, D. James Guthrie, Sec. Treas. James C. Dobbin, Sec. Navy. Caleb Gushing, Att. Gen. Sec. State. JAMES BUCHANAN, D. Lewis Cass, Jeremiah S. Black, Howell Cobb, Philip F. Thomas, Sec. Treas. John A. Dix, John B. Floyd, Joseph Holt, Sec. War. 1857 JOHN C. BRECKINRIDGE, D. Isaac Toucey, Sec. Navy. Jacob Thompson, Sec. Interior. Jeremiah S. Black, Edwin M. Stanton, Aaron V. Brown, } Joseph Holt, [ Post. Gen. Horatio King, J Att. Gen. ABRAHAM LINCOLN, R. William H. Seward, Sec. State. Simon Cameron, Edwin M. Stanton, Caleb B. Smith, John P. Usher, Gideon Welles, Sec. Navy. Sec. War. Sec. Interior. 1861 HANNIBAL HAAILIN, R. Salmon P. Chase, Wm. P. Fessenden, Edward Bates, James Speed, Montgomery Blair, 1 William Dennison, / Sec. Treas Att. Gen.