Page:The Presidents of the United States, 1789-1914, v. IV.djvu/317

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No. President Cause of Death Place of Death Place of Burial

1.   Washington  Pneumonia  Mount Vernon, Va.  Mount Vernon, Va.
2.   J. Adams  Debility  Quincy, Mass.  First Congregational Church, Quincy, Mass. 
3.   Jefferson  Chronic Diarrhœa  Monticello, Va.  Monticello, Albemarle Co., Va.
4.   Madison  Debility  Montpelier, Va.  Montpelier, Orange Co., Va.
5.   Monroe  Debility  New York City  Hollywood Cemetery, Richmond, Va.
6.   J. Q. Adams   Paralysis  Washington, D. C.  First Congregational Church, Quincy, Mass.
7.   Jackson  Consumption  Hermitage, Tenn.  Hermitage, near Nashville, Tenn.
8.   Van Buren  Asthmatic Catarrh  Lindenwold, N. Y.  Cemetery, Kinderhook, N. Y.
9.   Harrison  Bilious Pleurisy  Washington, D. C.  North Bend, Hamilton Co., O.
10.   Tyler  Bilious Attack  Richmond, Va.  Hollywood Cemetery, Richmond, Va.
11.   Polk  Chronic Diarrhœa  Nashville, Tenn.  Polk Place, Nashville, Tenn.
12.   Taylor  Bilious Fever  Washington, D. C.  Springfield, near Louisville, Ky.
13.   Fillmore  Debility  Buffalo, N. Y.  Forest Lawn Cemetery, Buffalo, N. Y.
14.   Pierce  Inflammation of Stomach   Concord, N. H.  Minot Lot, Old Cemetery, Concord, N. H.
15.   Buchanan  Rheumatic Gout  Wheatland, Pa.  Woodward Hill Cemetery, Lancaster, Pa.
16.   Lincoln  Assassination  Washington, D. C.  Oak Ridge Cemetery, Springfield, Ill.
17.   Johnson  Paralysis  Carter's Depot, Tenn.   Greenville, Greene Co., Tenn.
18.   Grant  Cancer  Mt. McGregor, N. Y.  Riverside Park, New York City.
19.   Hayes  Paralysis of the Heart  Fremont, O.  Cemetery, Fremont, O.
20.   Garfield  Assassination  Long Branch, N. J.  Lake View Cemetery, Cleveland, O.
21.   Arthur  Bright's Disease  New York City.  Rural Cemetery, Albany, N. Y.
22, 24.   Cleveland  Debility  Princeton, N. J.  Cemetery, Princeton, N. J.
23.   B. Harrison  Pneumonia  Indianapolis, Ind.  Crown Hill Cemetery, Indianapolis, Ind.
25.   McKinley  Assassination  Buffalo, N. Y.  Cemetery, Canton, O.
26.   Roosevelt
27.   Taft
28.   Wilson