Page:The Presidents of the United States, 1789-1914, v. IV.djvu/324

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276 INDEX Ball, Thomas, statues by, i. 49, ii. 300. Ballinger incident during Taft s ad ministration, iv. 175. Bancroft, George, quoted on Washing ton, i. 33; "History of the Consti tution" by, 212-213; secretary of navy under Polk, ii. 102; quoted on Polk and his administration. 115-116, 117. Bank, national, incorporation of, under financial administration of Hamilton, i. 38; Jackson s early distrust of, 262; Jackson s attacks on, as president, 295298; removal of deposits from, 299-300; John Tyler s views on Jackson s method of attacking, ii. 60-63; struggle between Tyler and Clay over ques tion of, 67 fl. ; dying out of popu lar enthusiasm for, during Tyler s administration, 75. Bank of America, ii. 5. Barbary freebooters, reduction of, by American navy, i. 142-143. Barnburners, political faction, ii. 17- 18. Barrett, John, appointed director of Bureau of American Republics, iv. 118. Barry, William T., i. 285. Bass, Lyman K., iii. 243. Bates, Edward, ii. 260. Bayard, Richard H., ii. 69. Bayard, Thomas F., ambassador to Great Britain, ii. 305; secretary of state in Cleveland s cabinet, iii. 253. Beauregard, Gen. P. G. T., ii. 262, iii. 34. Belknap, William W., iii. 92. Bell, John, ii. 44, 72, 97, 258, iii. 4. Ben ton, Thomas H., affray between Jackson and, i. 266; arguments of, for election of Jackson as against J. Q. Adams, 282; steadfast sup port of Jackson by, 301; "expun ging" resolutions of, ii. 64, 213-214. Bering sea controversy, President Harrison s work in settling, iv. 23; incident connected with, during McKinley s administration, 57-58. Berlin decree, Napoleon s, i. 223. Berrien, John M., i. 285, 289. Birney, James G., ii. 80. Bissell, Wilson S., ii. 158 n.; postmas ter-general under Cleveland, iii. 264. Bituminous coal strike (1906), iv. 125-126. Black, Jeremiah S., ii. 229, 240. Black Hawk War, ii. 127-130; Lin coln s service during, 251. Blackstone, Jefferson s slight regard for, i. 115. Blaine, James G., iii. 123, 124, 175; at Republican convention of 1880, 184; secretary of state under Gar- field, 185; memorial address in honor of Garfield, 188; nominated for presidency in 1884, 232; Har rison favorably compared with, iv. 21. Blair, Francis Preston, a ruling spirit in Democratic government of Jack son and Van Buren, i. 290, 299, ii. 289. Blair, Montgomery, ii. 260. Blatchford, Samuel, supreme court justice, iii. 229. Bliss, Cornelius N., secretary of in terior under McKinley, iv. 54. Bliss, Elizabeth, daughter of Zachary Taylor, ii. 141-142. Blount, James H., Cleveland s com missioner to Hawaii, iii. 266. Bonaparte, Charles J., secretary of navy under Roosevelt, iv. 113; as attorney-general confirms Roose velt s statement as to Tennessee Coal and Iron affair, 144-145. Bonaparte, Napoleon, death of Wash ington ordered commemorated by, i. 45; sale of Louisiana by, 143-144, 203-204. Boone, Daniel, ii. 247-248. Borie, Adolph E., iii. 92. Boston, evacuation of, by British, i. 21. Boston Massacre, i. 67. Botts, John Minor, ii. 70. Boutwell, George S., iii. 92. Bowdoin, James, i. 37. Boxer disturbances of 1900, iv. 80-81, 140. Boylston, Peter, i. 63. Brackenridge, H. M., i. 280. Braddock s expedition, i. 13. Brady, Judge John R., iii. 212. Branch, John, i. 285, 289. Breckinridge, John C., ii. 227, 258. Brent, Richard, ii. 52. Brewster, Benjamin H., attorney- general under Arthur, iii. 215. Bristow, Benjamin H., iii. 92, 123, 204. Brough, John, ii. 279. Brougham, Lord, tribute to memory of Washington by, i. 46. Brown, Aaron V., ii. 93, 229. Brown, H. K., statues of Washington and Lincoln by, i. 49, ii. 300. Brown, John C., iii. 130. Brown, Matthew, portrait of Jeffer son by, i. 152.