Page:The Presidents of the United States, 1789-1914, v. IV.djvu/335

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INDEX 287 Hill, Isaac, i. 285. Hill, James J., address before confer ence of Governors at Washington iv. 135. Hitchcock, E. A., secretary of in terior, iv. 54, 113. Hoar, Ebenezer R., iii. 93. Hoar, George F., iii. 179. Holland, attempt of John Adams to negotiate an American loan from, i. 77; international relations of, at time of American Revolutionary War, 78; recognition by, of inde pendence of United States, 80; loan made to United States by, 81. Holt, Joseph, ii. 240. Homestead bill, Andrew Johnson s, iii. 6. Hone, Philip, i. 149. Hood, Gen. John B., ii. 283, iii. 52, 54. Hooker, Gen. Joseph, ii. 279. Horseshoe Bend, battle of, i. 268- 269. Houdon, statue of Washington by, i. 49. Houston, Samuel, i. 268. Howe, Timothy O., iii. 215. Hoxie, Vinnie R., statue of Lincoln by, ii. 300. Hubbard, Samuel D., ii. 158. Huerta administration in Mexico, President Wilson s policy in dealing with, iv. 236-242. Hull, Isaac, i. 188. Humphreys, General, i. 31. Hunkers, political faction, ii. 17-18. Hunt, Gaillard, edition of Madison s writings edited by, i. 190. Hunt, William H., iii. 185. Hunter, Gen. David, ii. 268, iii. 50. Hutchinson, chief justice and govern or of Massachusetts, i. 66, 68, 69. Immigration, problem of, and acts of 1906 and 1907 relative to, iv. 138- 139. Immigration and Naturalization, Bu reau of, iv. 138. Imposts, proposed law of 1783 con cerning, i. 163-164. Imprisonment for debt, abolition of, ii. 153. Inauguration day, proposed change of date of, i. 35. Income tax of 1894, iii. 280, 282. Independent treasury policy. Van Buren s, ii. 15-16. Indiana territory, creation of, ii. 34. Indians, war with, during War of 1812, i. 266-269, ii. 35-41; Jack son s campaign against, in Florida, i. 276-280; the Black Hawk War, ii. 127-130, 251; Grant s hurnano policy toward, iii. 75; protection of territory of, by President Cleveland, 254, 255. Inflation bill of 1874, iii. 88-89. Ingham, Samuel D., i. 285, 289. Initiative, the, iv. 147. Inland waterways, improvement of, during Roosevelt s administration iv. 133-135. Internal improvements, Monroe s view of national policy concerning, i. 207; Jackson s opposition to, 290-291; Folk s determined stand in regard to, ii. 109-110; Bu chanan s views concerning, 207. Interstate commerce commission, ap pointment of, by Cleveland, iii. 257; enlargement of powers of, iv. 129. Irving, Washington, quoted on George Washington, i. 7, 11; cited, 25, 29; life of Washington by, 48; offered portfolio of secretary of navy by President Van Buren, ii. 22, 27 n. Italians, murder of, at New Orleans, iv. 21-22. JACKSON, ANDREW (7th President), i. 188, 189, 230, 235; history of early years, 253-254; takes part in Revolutionary War, 254; qualifies as a lawyer, 254-255; appointed public prosecutor in North Caro lina, 255; quality of fearlessness in, 256; account of marriage to Mrs. Robards, 257-261; representative in congress of new state of Tennes see, 261 ; votes against approval of Washington s administration, 261; objections to Jay treaty and Hamil ton s financial policy, 261; distrust of national bank, 262; attitude toward various public measures, 262; elected to senate, 262; Thomas Jefferson s description of, 263; term as judge in supreme court of Ten nessee, 263; quarrels and duels of. as a private citizen, 264; Aaron Burr s visit to, 264; services during War of 1812, 265 ff. ; nickname of "Old Hickory," 266; affray with Thomas H. Ben ton, 266; leads suc cessful campaign against Creek In-