Page:The Presidents of the United States, 1789-1914, v. IV.djvu/345

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INDEX 297 Pure Food and Drugs Act, iv. 132. Putnam, Gen. Israel, i. 27. Q Quincy, Josiah, associated with John Adams in defence of Captain Pres ton, i. 67. Railroad Rate Regulation Act (1906), iv. 129. Ramsay, David, i. 47. Randolph, Edmund, i. 172, 178, 190; attorney-general in Washington s cabinet, 133; criticises course of Monroe as special envoy to France, 201. Randolph, Isham, i. 111. Randolph, John, on supposed bargain between J. Q. Adams and Henry Clay, i. 233, 283. Randolph, Martha Jefferson, i. 132, 133, 147, 149-150. Randolph, Sarah N., "Domestic Life of Thomas Jefferson" by, i. 151, 155. Randolph, Thomas Mann, i. 132, 154. Rawlins, John A., iii. 92. Raymond, Henry J., iii. 10. Recall, the, iv. 147. Reciprocity treaty with Canada, fail ure of, iv. 176-177. Reconstruction of southern states, plan of congress for, vs. that of President Johnson, iii. 15; com pletion of, 78. Reed, William B., minister to China, ii. 233. Reeder, Andrew H., ii. 194. Re-election of presidents, conditions apparently affecting, iii. 264 n. Referendum, the, iv. 147. Reform republicans, New York state (1876), iii. 204. Reid, Whitelaw, special ambassador at Queen Victoria s diamond ju bilee, iv. 58; appointed on Spanish peace commission, 74. Religious faiths of presidents, iii. 236 n. "Religious Freedom Act," Madison s, i. 167. Religious tests, Madison s work for abolition of, i. 166-167. Republican party, i. 40, 90, 91, 180; Jefferson becomes head of, 134-135; triumph of, in 1800, 139. Resumption act of 1875, iii. 89-90- put into operation in 1879 by Presi dent Hayes, 141. Revenue bill, the first, i. 38. Revenue frauds during Grant s soc- ond term, iii. <)(). Revolutionary War, career of Wash ington in the, i. 20-29. Rhea, John, i. 27<>-277. Richardson, William M., iii. 92. Richmond, removal of capital of Vir ginia to, i. 125; surrender of, |>y Confederates, ii. 291. River and Harbor Appropriation Act of 1909, iv. 136-137. Rives, William C., biography of Madi son by, i. 190, ii. 65, 69. Robards, Lewis, i. 257. Robertson, Donald, i. 160. Robertson, William H., iii. 186, 211. Robeson, Goorge M., iii. 92. Rogers, Randolph, statue of Lincoln by, ii. 300. Rogers, William K., iii. 111. ROOSEVELT, THEODORE (25th Presi dent), iii. 206; the Roosevelt fam ily, iv. 89; boyhood, early school ing, and course at Harvard, 90-91; year abroad, 91; "History of the War of 1812" by, 91; first polit ical speech, 91-92; member of New York Assembly on reform ticket, 92-93; serves three terms (1882-84) and becomes minority leader, 93; reform measures car ried by, 93-94; in Republican na tional convention of 1884, supports Edmunds against Blaine, 94; in curs enmity of former friends by adherence to his party s nominee, 94; attitude toward party alle giance, 94-95; becomes a ranch man on the Little Missouri, 95; unsuccessful candidate for mayor of New York, 95-96; books by, and literary style displayed, 96; appointed to U. S. civil service commission, 96; admirable work done by, in connection with civil service reform, 97; "The Winning of the West" and other literary- work, 97; service as president of police board. New York City. 97- 98; assistant secretary of the navy for a year and a month, 98-99; colonel of Rough Riders in Spanish war, 99; elected governor of New York, 100; the two kinds of ene mies of, 100; made vice-president of United States. 81-82, 100-101; succeeds to presidency. 101; as sures country of a continuance of