Page:The Presidents of the United States, 1789-1914, v. IV.djvu/53

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WILLIAM McKINLEY . WILLIAM McKiNLEY, twenty-fourth president of the United States, was born in Niles, Trumbull county, Ohio, January 29, 1843. On his father s side his ancestry is Scotch-Irish; his forefathers came to America one hundred and fifty years ago. Authentic records trace the McKinlays in Scotland back to 1547, and it is claimed by students that James McKinlay, "the trooper," was one of Wil liam s ancestors. About 1743 one of the Scotch- Irish McKinleys settled in Chanceford township, York county, Pa., where his son David, great grandfather of the president, was born in May, 1755. After serving in the revolution David re sided in Pennsylvania until 1814, when he went to Ohio, where he died in 1840, at the age of eighty- five. James McKinley, son of David, moved to Columbiana county, Ohio, in 1809, when William, father of the president, was not yet two years old. The grandmother of the president, Mary Rose, came from a Puritan family that fled from Eng land to Holland and emigrated to Pennsylvania with William Penn. William McKinley, Sr., fa- 31