Page:The Presidents of the United States, 1789-1914, v. IV.djvu/70

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46 LIVES OF THE PRESIDENTS "The republican party," said he, "must take no step backward. The merit system is here, and it is here to stay." On December 17, 1889, he introduced the first important tariff measure of the session a bill "to simplify the laws in relation to the collection of the revenue." The bill passed the house March 5, and the senate, as amended, March 20, went to a con ference committee, who agreed upon a report that was concurred in, and was approved June 10, 1890. It is known as the "customs administration bill," is similar in its provisions to a bill introduced in the 50th congress, as the outgrowth of a careful, non- partisan investigation by the senate committee on finance, and has proved a wise and salutary law. Meanwhile (April 16, 1890) he introduced the gen eral tariff measure that has since borne his name, and that for four months had been under constant consideration by the ways and means committee. His speech in support of the measure, May 7, fully sustained his high reputation as an orator. Sel dom, if ever, in the annals of congress, has such hearty applause been given to any leader as that which greeted him at the conclusion of this ad dress. The bill was passed by the house on May 21, but was debated for months in the senate, that body finally passing it on September 11, with some changes, notably the reciprocity amendment, which McKinley had unavailingly supported before the