Page:The Prime Minister by Hall Caine.djvu/101

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young lady, travelling alone, did arrive by the continental train, that she had been met by a young man, and they had gone off in a taxi.

Sir Robert.
You don't know where they went to?

Sir Malcolm.
No. The train being a heavy one, the taxi had to be taken in the Strand. It can't be traced, sir.

Sir Robert.
But you think they went to that house in Soho Square?

Sir Malcolm.
I'm practically sure of it, sir.

Sir Robert.
You also think that some hocus-pocus exchange took place there, and while the Swiss girl remained in Soho——

Sir Malcolm.
The girl Schiller came here, sir.

Sir Robert.
[Drawing himself up.] Mr. Commissioner, I tell you frankly, I shall be sorry if I am compelled to accept your story.

Sir Malcolm.
No doubt, sir.

Sir Robert.
In the first place, it requires me to believe that a woman—a mere girl—would dare to enter the house