Page:The Prime Minister by Hall Caine.djvu/112

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Sir Robert.
[Closer.] In short, rather like—you?

[Hesitating.] I dare say there are some who would say so.

Sir Robert.
So Freda Michel and Margaret Schiller bear a distinct resemblance to each other?

[Clutching at an idea.] Yes—now that I come to think of it—perhaps they do, sir.

Sir Robert.
So that if the Commissioner, seeing you, thought you were Margaret Schiller, that might account for it?

[Eagerly.] Yes, that's just what I was thinking, sir.

Sir Robert.
[Laying dozen paper and taking up letter.] But this is where my difficulty comes in. Although the description of Margaret Schiller is so true to you, you bear no resemblance to the description of Freda Michel.

[Rising, gasping] What description of Freda Michel?

Sir Robert.
[Motioning her to sit.] You have heard of my late wife, Lady Margaret Temple?