Page:The Prime Minister by Hall Caine.djvu/159

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so little about. But [Indicating portrait above mantelpiece] our dear Margaret knew what she was doing, didn't she?

Sir Robert.
[Smiling.] Also I seem to remember that you thought she had entered this house with a certain hostile feeling against——

Lady Dorothy.
[Laughing.] I take that back, too. If she came here with any hostile feeling against you, you have utterly bewitched her.

Sir Robert.
[Laughing a little.] Tut!

Lady Dorothy.
My dear Robert, you don't mean to say you haven't noticed it? The girl worships you. If you had saved her from death she couldn't be more devoted to you. I do believe she would lay down her life for you, and if——

Enter Galloway.

General the Lord Burnley to see you, sir.

[Lord Burnley enters. He is in General's uniform. There is a strange mixture of joy and sorrow in the old man's face, voice, and manner.

Sir Robert.
[Meeting him.] My dear Burnley!