Page:The Prime Minister by Hall Caine.djvu/162

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Lord Burnley.
[Rising, his face full of emotion, speaking with difficulty.] I thought you would like to have the news at once, Robert, so I decided to bring it myself. Otherwise, I might have preferred to go straight home to-night.

Sir Robert.
[Drawing up, and looking closely at the old man.] Burnley—what is the matter?

Lord Burnley.
[With an effort.] Stanley reports— that our Fifth Army fought like lions and—died like heroes.

Sir Robert.
They would! Why shouldn't they— since they were Englishmen?

Lord Burnley.
And that my own son——

Sir Robert.
[Almost breathlessly.] The Colonel?

Lord Burnley.
My only son——

Sir Robert.
Has he——

Lord Burnley.
[After a pause, bending his head.] Yes.