Page:The Prime Minister by Hall Caine.djvu/49

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two before she goes to her situation? If I don't Margaret won't see her.

Mrs. Schiller.
{With a laugh.] Ha ha! Margaret!

[Also laughing.] Well—all of us. You'll love Freda, auntie. Such a jolly little thing!

Mrs. Schiller.
Has she travelled far, Otto?

All the way from Zurich. That's far enough in ordinary times, but in these war days, you know——

Mrs. Schiller.
[Rising.] Well, well! The girl will be tired after her long journey. Bring her back with you and I'll give her a cup of tea.

[Bounding towards door and opening it.] Splendid! Oh, tell Margaret when she comes— Wait! I'll leave the telegram on the mantelpiece. [Puts open telegram in front of clock on mantelpiece.] See, I'm putting it here—Leb' wohl!

Mrs. Schiller.
Leb' wohl!

[Otto is rushing out by open door on right when, he collides with three men coming in. One wears the uniform of an Inspector