Page:The Prince (translated by William K. Marriott).djvu/309

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Notes and References

individual members." The word "artel," despite its apparent similarity has, Mr. Aylmer Maude Assures me, no connection with "ars" or "arte." Its root is that of the verb "rotisya," to bind oneself by an oath; and it is generally admitted to be only another form of "rota," which now signifies a "regimental company." In both words the underlying idea is that of a body of men united by an oath. "Tribu" were possibly gentile groups, united by common descent, and included individuals connected by marriage. Perhaps our words would "septs" or "clans" would be most appropriate.

192. Maximilian I., born in 1459, died 1519. Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire. He married, first, Mary, daughter of Charles the Bold; after her death, Bianca Sforza; and thus became involved in Italian politics.
203. "Fortune is the arbiter of one-half of our actions." Frederick the Great was accustomed to say, "The older one gets the more convinced one becomes that his Majesty King Chance does three-quarters of the business of this miserable universe." Sorel's "Eastern Question."
212. "Your illustrious house." Giuliano de' Medici. He had just been created a cardinal by Leo X. In 1523 Giuliano was elected Pope, and takes the title of Clement VII.
214. The battles of II Taro, 1495; Alessandria, 1499; Capua, 1501; Genoa, 1507; Vaila, 1509; Bologna, 1511; Mestri, 1513.
"Virtu contro al Furore," etc.

" Virtue against fury shall advance the fight.
And it i' th' combat soon shall put to flight;
For the old Roman valour is not dead.
Nor in th' Italians' brests extinguished."

Edward Dacre, 1640.