Page:The Principles and Practice of Medicine.djvu/78

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doses at short intervals and continued until the system is brought under its influence, as induced by a tender state of the gums and a moderate degree of salivation.

It must be distinctly understood, that all inflammations are not benefited by mercury, nor even the same inflammation at all times and under all circumstances. Without entering into details which will form the subject of a future chapter, it may be here stated, that mercury is best suited to inflammation of serous membranes ; that it is of doubtful efficacy in inflamma- tion of mucous membranes, and that it is injurious in all inflam- mations which occur in asthenic or cachectic persons. And, lastly, that in those forms of cachexia which seem to be related to scrofula, disease of the spleen and the kidney, its action is in the highest degree prejudicial. It has been stated that mercury is more useful in the diseases of tropical than in those of temperate climates. There appears to be no ground for this statement derived from experience, and all reasoning is opposed to it. As regards the natives of the country and Europeans who have been long resident, the opposite of this is nearer the truth.

After inflammation has been subdued, the vessels some- times remain dilated from loss of tonicity of the coats. Frictions, pressure, stimulants, a suitable diet, and remedies of a tonic nature are here indicated.



PYOEMIA. Systemic infection. Pyogenic fever. These designa- tions have been used to signify an adynamic form of fever which is usually accompanied by the formation of abscesses, either in external parts, the large serous cavities, or the sub- stance of internal organs. Although pyremia has been chiefly studied in temperate climates, there is no ground for supposing it to be uncommon in tropical countries.

Symptoms. The general symptoms vary in degree. In severe cases they are those of the lowest form of adynamic