Page:The Proletarian Revolution in Russia - Lenin, Trotsky and Chicherin - ed. Louis C. Fraina (1918).djvu/402

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economically, do not loaf, do not steal, maintain strict discipline at work,—these slogans, which were justly ridiculed by revolutionary proletarians when they were used by the bourgeoisie to assure their domination as a class of exploiters, have now, after the overthrow of the bourgeoisie, become urgent and fundamental slogans. And the practical realization of these slogans by the toiling masses, is, on the one hand, the sole condition for the salvation of the country, which has been shattered by the imperialistic war and by the imperialists (headed by Kerensky); and, on the other, the practical realization of these slogans by the Soviet power, with its own methods, and on the basis of its own laws, is necessary and sufficient for the final victory of Socialism. This, however, is not comprehended by those who contemptuously refuse to urge such "common" and "trivial" ideas. In our agricultural country, which only a year ago overthrew Czarism and less than half a year ago freed itself from the Kerenskys, there remained, naturally, a good deal of unconscious anarchism, which is increased by the bestiality and barbarity accompanying every prolonged and reactionary war, and a good deal of despair and aimless anger has accumulated. If we should add to this the treasonable policy of the servants of the bourgeoisie, the Mensheviki, right Social-Revolutionists, etc., it will become clear what energetic and persistent efforts must be exerted by the best and most conscious workers and peasants to effect a complete change in the mood of the masses and to turn them to regular, uninterrupted and dsciplined labor. Only such a change, accomplished by the masses of proletarians and semi-proletarians can complete the victory over the bourgeoisie, and, especially, over the more persistent and numerous peasant bourgeoisie.