Page:The Proletarian Revolution in Russia - Lenin, Trotsky and Chicherin - ed. Louis C. Fraina (1918).djvu/67

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of their Socialist conscience, then we, the capitalists, must hail with delight such an International, of such Socialists, as stand by the side of their own governments.

C. A Socialist International is needed that will include all elements: the Scheidemanns, the Plekhanovs and the "centrists," who are those who vacillate between social-patriotism and internationalism. The bigger the mixup, the greater the "unity": long live our great Socialist unity!

D. The nations need only that International which consists of the really revolutionary workers, who are capable of putting an end to the awful and criminal slaughter of nations, capable of delivering humanity from the yoke of Capitalism. Only such people (groups, parties, etc.) as the German Socialist Karl Liebknecht, now in a German jail, only people who will tirelessly struggle with their own government and their own bourgeoisie, and their own social-patriots, and their own "centrists," can and must immediately establish that International which is necessary to the nations.

24.—Must the fraternization between soldiers of the warring countries, at the front, be encouraged?

A and B. No; it is bad for the interests of the landholders and capitalists, since it may accelerate the liberation of humanity from their yoke.

C. Yes, it would be good. But we are not fully convinced that such an encouragement of fraternization should be at once undertaken in all warring countries.

D. Yes; it is good and indispensible. It is absolutely necessary in all countries at war to encourage all attempts at fraternization between the soldiers of both warring groups.

25.—What should be the color of the flag indicating both the nature and character of the various political parties?

A. Black, for this is the real Black Hundred.

B. Yellow, for that is the international banner of those workers who serve capital through choice and not by compulsion.

C. Pink, for their whole policy is the policy of rosewater.

D. Red, for that is the emblem of the international proletarian revolution.