Page:The Quest Volume 13 (1921-22).djvu/122

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The Quest

had fallen from the roof in an attack of lunacy and had for years imagined himself to be his own valet. Of course neither Dr. Zagreus nor Dr. Sacrobosco Haselmeyer will she admit to exist.

"The red Tanjur," she always concludes threateningly, "well, that does exist. It lies over there by the stove and is a Chinese magic charm, as far as I can learn. But one sees what comes of a Christian body's reading such stuff."

I remain silent and never contradict her, for I know what I know. But when the old lady has left the room, I get up surreptitiously to make sure. I open the Gothic press and convince myself of the reality of everything.

Yes, of course, there stands the snake-lamp and below it there they hang—the green tall hat, the waistcoat and the silk breeches of the Rev. Dr. Haselmayer.

Starnberg, 1917.

Gustav Meyrink.

(Authorized Translation by R. E. and G. R. S. M.)