Page:The Quimby Manuscripts.djvu/202

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all kinds of evil thoughts.” These thoughts are matter, and are the result if error, superstition and ignorance, without any knowledge of God. Science is the opponent of the above, and as it accounts for all phenomena, ignorance is destroyed. Science has had to fight this battle with the world of error and ignorance before it could establish its standard, and take its position above the natural man. Then it is acknowledged and worshipped in spirit and in truth. Before it becomes a science it is under the law of ignorance and superstition, directed by blind guides leading the blind, through the knowledge of this world, and this wisdom Jesus calls foolishness with God (or Science). Now to separate these two, so that the wisdom of this world shall become subject to the knowledge of God, is not an easy task. Almost all who have ever tried to do so have lost their lives.

I will not go back further than John the Baptist. John saw that the time was very near when his truth or Christ was to become a science, therefore he says, “As the truth is laid at the root or foundation of their theories, every tree or supposed science that cannot stand the test of true science must be hewn down.” Therefore his belief was like water that could wash away some of their errors, but when the Truth or Holy Ghost should come then it would be reduced to a science. At this time Jesus had not received the Holy Ghost so as to explain it. Therefore He went with others to John to be baptized or hear John's ideas, and when Jesus asked John to explain to Him, John modestly replied, “I have need to be baptized or taught of you.” Jesus declined explaining, so John then went on to tell his ideas or belief. Jesus entered into his water or belief, and understood it, and when He came out of the water, the Heavens were opened to Him alone, and the Holy Ghost descended like a dove and lit on Jesus and a voice said to Him alone, “This is my beloved Son (or Science), in whom I am well pleased.” This Science had no name till Peter gave it the name of Christ, as an answer to the question put to him by Jesus — “Whom do the people say that I, this power, am ?” — Peter answered, “Some say, Moses, etc.” Jesus then said, “Whom say you that I am?” — not Jesus, as is supposed, but this power; for all the persons that Peter had named were dead, so of course Jesus did not include Himself, but His theory. Peter answered Him “Jesus, the Christ, the living God (or Science).” This Science he called