Page:The Ramayana (Manmatha Nath Dutt) Canto 5.djvu/8

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RAMAYANA. SECTION I. Thee that repressor of foes'* resolved to follow the path of the Charanas, In quest of the place where Sita was carried off by And bent on achieving a hard task, in which he had no help-mate and none to withstand, the monkey, with hi^s neck and head raised, resembled the lord of kine. And fighting fowls, and crushin^g trees with his breast> and slaughtering numbers of beasts, that exc^dingly power ful, intelligent and staid one began to range at ease In lapis- hued lawns resembUng water, like a lion b^stmg In M^gy. And on the level of that foremost of mountains, filled with no^aecd Nagas, and embellished with natural and unmixed metals, red and dark-Mus, and black and pale, and pale-red, and lotus-hued, and variegated; and crowded with g^Hke Yakshas and Krnnaras and Gandhavaas and Pcmnagas, excellently attiIhe,—HanumSn stationing himselS, res^bfed a Naga in a lake. Then joi^n^g his hands t0 the Sun, Mahendaa, Wind,! the Sef^cheal:e, and all BeingS, he set his ♦ Hanuman.—T t Bull.—T. X Pavtma, The ^mmeiUaOor takes this word in its literal meaming. He that paI'ffIhth C0UtIhmplafliflh£ spirits by imparting knowledge*. RSmArmya w0uld IIO