Page:The Rebellion in the Cevennes (Volume 1).djvu/219

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A circle had been formed and Roland now stepped with solemn demeanour into the middle of it. "We are assembled," commenced he, greatly affected, "in order to pass judgment upon a friend, who is to me one of the dearest among the most valiant of the fraternity, and in the work of the Lord a distinguished zealot. Here stand‘s Catinat, the man at whose name all our foes tremble. You are all here present, Cavalier, thou Ravanel, Castanet, Duplant, and Salomon, Clary, Abraham Mazel is also arrived here. I have often spoken on this point already, my dear friends, and wished to make known to you my opinion, and my sentiments, that in this war, in which we are fighting for the Lord, we should refrain from shedding blood as much as possible. No, my beloved friends, we will not therein follow the example of our adversaries, that we may excel them in their emulation for murder. incendiarism and all their works of darkness. Let the enemy, who comes armed against us, be given up to the sword, the villain, who