Page:The Rebellion in the Cevennes (Volume 2).djvu/111

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command of the Lord be fulfilled in the solitude of the mountains, under oppression and distress, with a religious, modest mind and christian humility?" "Do not trouble yourself," said Lacoste, "at least no expence or parade will attend the marriage, I think too, that neither bridegroom, nor any of the guests will retire noisily to bed."

At that moment Castanet, his bride and a croud of his friends issued from the wood, Cavalier and all the others advanced to greet them with kindness. The young girls was dark and not particularly tall: a peasant girl of a healthy robust appearance, a little embarrassed at first but in a short time she conducted herself with a composed and easy bearing in the circle of the brethren.

"Brother Castanet," said the tall slender Marion, "it is you that I have to thank for my conversion, but for your early admonitions, I should perhaps now be wandering in error, permit your grateful