Page:The Rebellion in the Cevennes (Volume 2).djvu/117

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God, au revoir!" "No, not au revoir!" cried Cavalier, hastily advancing, "this may only happen in one way, in the field, and I counsel you with your bold, unblushing manner not to reckon again on our generosity, nor brave our condescending flexibility; for mercy and love are not always to be dispensed, and should we see each other a third time, it will be your death, thus does the spirit prophecy to me."

"Let the spirit rest, Sir Captain," said the clergyman, as he again made a low bow and retired with the volunteers and Clement, who all more or less testified their gratitude and emotion.

Lacoste now came forward and said laughing: "Generosity, as I observe, is common among you, and your turn is come to-day, thick, little stump. Thus every trade, even that of incendiary, has its good side; nothing in the world is perfectly bad, as there is nothing perfectly good to be found in it. To-day, however, there is a greater extension of generosity than what