Page:The Rebellion in the Cevennes (Volume 2).djvu/138

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"perhaps we may then see each other very often and confidentially, if you should only become the possessor of yonder castle, which is scarcely half a league distant from hence."

"And," said Edmond hesitatingly,—if the war should rush down here also? should this castle, this house here be consumed in flames? Where is safety in our times?" "The Lord will protect us" replied the priest, "as he has done heretofore." "And should he confer victory on the foes?" "His will be done," prayed the old man, "for his decree is wisdom, he is just and good, and with his might dwells love." "It almost appears," said Edmond surprised, "that you will not be disinclined to grant victory to the rebels; at least you express yourself so mildly, that I do not recognise in you the Catholic, as zealous for his religion as, however, he ought to be."

"Let us not misunderstand each other," replied the priest, "I only mean, that I