Page:The Rebellion in the Cevennes (Volume 2).djvu/217

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be great confusion on all sides, in the valley," said a country woman.

All quitted the garden, and the firing of smell guns was distinctly heard as it was borne on the air.

"Ugh!" sighed Dubois, who could now climb the mountain. One must hear it much more distinctly up there."

"I like not," said Godfred, "to have any thing to do with war and war cries. The unfortunate, beautiful, peaceful villages, until now we have heard nothing of it, except once at the very beginning, now again we receive the evil visit."

"There yonder," thought the woman, "they have the miracle working statue of the Mother of God, that will protect them all, the rebels cannot effect any thing in opposition to that: Fire and sword, balls and blows cannot prevail against the heavenly miracle."

Detached light cavalry scoured the village. They enquired the way and desired to rejoin their companions from