Page:The Rebellion in the Cevennes (Volume 2).djvu/235

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wine. "Beauvais, art thou my son?" began he, as he saw himself alone with Edmond.—"I am called," said the latter, "after your baptismal name, Edmond; as a testimony how my father has ever loved you."

"Ah, thou dear friend of my youth," said the old man with a deep sigh, "why must I become acquainted with thy son under such circumstances? In this way then have the dreams of thy love, our religious inspirations been embodied? Thus are our fanatic presentiments fulfilled? To these murders and burnings, to these horrible cruelties must we awaken and call our whole youth folly and illusion? Ah! verily poor Louison, thy love to thy protectress has been badly recompensed. You were right unfortunate Caspar, that you did not know in what moment and in what sufferings your happiness would terminate. Now you lie together in a bloody embrace. Why cannot I say to myself, no, this is but a dream! Awake thou miserable old man,