Page:The Records of the Federal Convention of 1787 Volume 2.djvu/122

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I IS RECORDS OF THE FEDERAL CONVENTION Thursday MADISON July ?6 [To adjourn till monday August Ayes-- I I; noes mo.] and then the House adjourned till monday Augt 6th DETAIt OF AYEs AND NOE? aye no aye no no aye aye aye aye aye for the term of '%even 7 3 rear?" to be ineligible a second time." (supreme Executive) aye aye aye no no no dd aye ?ye aye To agree to the whole 6 3 resolution respecting the supreme Executive aye aye aye ?ycj aye aye no'aye aye aye aye To strike out the word xo "landed" in the quali- ?fication aye I aye no aye no no aye aye ayel aye aye ro agree to the clause 8 '?f qualification no aye no no no no aye no dd no aye Yo agree to the amend- 3 ment/or disqualification ,fficer? under the gov- .?rnment and Pensioners. aye aye !aye no aye aye aye aye aye aye no Yo strike out the words 9 2 ?r have unsettled accounts with no no no no no!no no no aye no aye Yo agree to the clause ?f disqualification aye aye aye! aye aye !aye aye aye aye aye aye To adjourn till monday iAugust [2251 aye [zzt] a [z271 a [zzS] [2291 [23ol [2? I ] aye End of seventh 1oos? sheetl MADISON Thursday July. z(6) in Convention Col. Mason. In every Stage of the Question relative to the Executive? the difficulty of the subject and the diversity of the opinions concerning it have appeared. Nor have any of the modes of constituting that departmeni been satisfac- Vote z3 ?, Detail of Ayes and Noes.