Page:The Records of the Federal Convention of 1787 Volume 2.djvu/154

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I48 KECOKDS OF THE FEDERAL CONVENTION COMMITTEE OF DETAIL, IV 4. & shall be admitted on the same terms with the original states (but the number of states or votes required on particular measures shall be readjusted --) 5. provided always, that the legislature ma 7 use their discretion in (refusing) admitting or rejecting, and may make any condition concerning the (old) debt of the union (at that Time.) (6. provided also, that the western states are intitled to admission on the terms specified in the act of congress of) 2. The guarantee is I. to prevent the establishment of any government, not republican (2) (3.) to protect each state against internal commo- tion: and (3) (2.) against external invasion. 4. But this guarantee shall not operate (in the last Case) without an application from the legislature of a state. 5. 3. The legislative executive and judiciaries of the states shall swear fidelity to the union, as the national legislature shall direct. 4. The ratification of the reform is -- After the approbation of congress -- to be made by a special convention (in each State) recommended by the assembly to be chosen for the express purpose of considering and approving and rejecting it in toto: and this recommendation may be used from time to time 5. (An alteration may be effected in the articles of union, on the application of two thirds nine {i}d) of the state legislatures (by a Convn.)) {on appln. of -?ds of the State Legislatures to the Natl. Leg. they call a Convn. to revise or alter ye Articles of Union)