Page:The Records of the Federal Convention of 1787 Volume 2.djvu/160

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I?Z? RECORDS OF TItE FEDERAL CONVENTIOl? COMMITTEE OF DETAIL, VI The Proportions of direct Taxation shall be regulated by the whole Number of white and other Free Citizens and Inhabi- tants of every &c. which Number (shall) shall, (be taken) within six Years after the first Meeting of the Legislature (of the United States,) and within the Term of every ten Years afterwards, be taken in such Manner as the said Legislature shall direct (and appoint). From the first Meeting of the Legislature until the Number of Citizens and Inhabitants shall be taken (in the Manner beforementioned) as aforesaid, direct Taxation shall be in Pro- portion to the Number of (Inhabitants) Representatives chosen in each State. All Bills for raising or appropriating Money and for fixing the Salaries of the Officers of Government shall originate in the House of Representatives, and shall not be altered or amended by the Senate. No money shall be drawn from the public Treasury, but in Pursuance of Appropriations that shall originate in the House of Representatives. The House of Representatives shall be the grand Inquest of this Nation; and all Impeachments shall be made by. them. Vacancies in the House of Representatives shall be supplied by Writs of Election from the (Supr) Executive (Pow) Author- ity of the State in the Representation (of) from which they shall happen. The House of Representatives shall chuse its own Speaker and other Officers The (Members of the) Senate of the United States shall be chosen (every sixth year) b 7 the Legislatures of the several States; Each (of which) Legislature shall chuse two Members. (The votes shall not be given by States, but by the Members separately from each State.) Each Member shall have one Vote. The Members of the Senate shall be chosen for six Years; provided that immediately after the first Election they (Mem- bers of the Senate) shall (by) be divided by Lot into three Classes as nearly as may be, and numbered one, two and three. The Seats of the Members of the first Class shall be vacated at the Expiration of the second Year, (th) of the second Class