Page:The Records of the Federal Convention of 1787 Volume 2.djvu/199

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TUESDAY, AUGUST 7, 787. JOURNAL Tuesday August 7. ?787. [To refer the report to a Committee of the whole Ayes- 5; noes -- 4. Delaware being represented during the Debate a question was again taken on ye Committee of ye whole Ayes--3; noes -- 6.] ? On the question to agree to the Preamble to the constitu- tion as reported from the committee to whom were referred the Proceedings of the Convention--it passed unan: in the affirmative [Ayes--Is; noes---o.] ' On the question to agree to the first article, as reported, it passed in the affirmative On the question to agree to the second article, as reported, it passed in the affirmative It was moved and seconded to alter the second clause of the third article so as to read "each of which shall in all cases have a negative on the legislative acts of the other" which passed in the negative [Ayes- 5; noes- 5-] On the question to strike the following clause out of the third article namely "each of which shall, in all cases, have a negative on the other" it passed in the affirmative. [Ayes--7; noes--3.] It was moved and seconded to add the following words to the last clause of the third article a Votes 233,234, Detail of Ayes and Noes. 2 Vote 255, Detail of Ayes and Noes, but this might be assigned to either of the two questions following.