Page:The Records of the Federal Convention of 1787 Volume 2.djvu/223

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RECORDS OF THE FEDERAL CONVENTION 2I 7 IIZ ednesday MADISON Aught 8 Mr M(adison) 2ded. the motion. both were vague, but the latter least so in common acceptation? and would not ex- clude persons absent occasionally for a considerable time on public or private business. Great disputes had been raised in Virga. concerning the meaning of residence as a qualifica- tion of Representatives which were determined more according to the affection or dislike to the man (in question), than (to) any fixt interpretation of the word. Mr. Wilson preferred "inhabitant." Mr. Govr. Morris was opposed to both and for requiring nothing more than a freehold. He quoted great disputes in N. York occasioned by these terms, which were decided by the arbitrary will of the majority. Such a regulation is not necessar 7. People rarely chuse a nonresident--It is improper as in the Ist. branch, the people at large, 5 not the States ? are represented. Mr. Rutlidge urged & moved that a residence of 7 years shd. be required in the State Wherein the Member shd. be elected. An emigrant from N. England to S.C. or Georgia would know little of its affairs and could not be supposed to acquire a thorough knowledge in less time. Mr. Read reminded him that we were now forming a Natil Govt and such a regulation would correspond little with the idea that we were one people. Mr. Wilson- enforced the same consideration. Mr. (Madison) suggested the case of new States in the West, which could have perhaps no representation on that plan. Mr. Mercer. Such a regulation would present a greater alienship among the States than existed under the old federal system. It would interweave local prejudices & State dis- tinctions in the very Constitution which is meant to cure them. He mentioned instances of violent disputes raised in Maryland concerning the term "residence" Mr Elseworth thought seven years of residence was by far too long a term: but that some fixt term of previous resi- Underscored by Madison when he revised his notes.