Page:The Records of the Federal Convention of 1787 Volume 2.djvu/257

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lIECORDS OF THE FEDERAL CONVENTION 251 Friday MADISON ?lugust xo Mr Rutlidge was opposed to leaving the power to the Legislature- He proposed that the qualifications should be the same as for members of the State Legislatures. Mr. Wilson thought it would be best on the whole to let the Section go out. A uniform rule would probably be never fixed by the Legislature. and this particular power would constructively exclude every other power of regulating quali- fications- On the question for agreeing to Art- VI- sect- 2d N.H. ay. Mss. air. Ct. no. N.J. no. Pa. no. Md. no. Va. no. (N. C. no) S. C. no. Geo. ay- [Ayes- 3; noes- 7-] On Motion of Mr Wilson to reconsider Art: IV. sect. so as to restore 3 in place of seven years of citizenship as a qualification for being elected into the House of Represents. N. H- no. Mas- no. Ct. ay. N.J. no. Pa. ay. Del. ay. Md. ay. Va. ay.N.C. ay. S.C. no. Geo. no. [Ayes--6; noes- 5.] (Monday next was then assigned for the reconsideration: all the States being ay-except Massts. & Georgia) Art: VI. sect. 3. taken Mr. Ghorum contended that less than a Majority (in each House) should be made of Quorum, otherwise great delay might happen in business, and great inconvenience from the future increase of numbers. Mr. Mercer was also for less than a majority. So great a number will put it in the power of a few by seceding at a criti- cal moment to introduce convulsions, and endanger the Gov- ernmt. Examples of secession have already happened in some of the States. He was for leaving it to the Legislature to fix the Quorum, as in Great Britain? where the requisite number is small & no inconveniency has been experienced. Col. Mason. This is a valuable & necessary part of the plan. In this extended Country, embracing so great a diver- sity of interests, it would be dangerous to the distant parts to 9 Taken from Journal. Madison originally indueled this question as a part of the one preceding. 10Article VI, sect. 3. "In each House a majority of the members shall constl- tute a quorum to do business; but a smaller number may adjourn from day to day."