Page:The Records of the Federal Convention of 1787 Volume 2.djvu/362

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556 RECORDS OF THE FEDERAL CONVENTION T?e.?day MADISON incurred by the several States during the late war, for the common defence and general welfare "4 "To make laws for organizing arming and disciplining the Militia, and for governing such part of them as may be em- ployed in the service of the U--S reserving to the States respectively, the appointment of the officers, and the authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by the U. States") Mr. Gerry considered giving the power only, without adopt- ing the obligation, as destroying the security now enjoyed by the public creditors of the U--States. He enlarged on the merit of this class of citizens, and the solemn faith which had been pledged under the existing Confederation. If their situation should be changed as here proposed great oppo- sition would be excited agst. the plan- He urged also that as the States had made different degrees of exertion to sink their respective debts, those who had done most would be alarmed, if they were now to be saddled with a share of the debts of States which had done least. Mr. Sherman. It means neither more nor less than the confederation as it relates to this subject. Mr Elseworth moved that the Report delivered in by' Govr. Livingston should lie on the table. Agreed to nero. con. ? Art: VII. sect. 3. resumed-*--Mr- Dickenson moved to postpone this in order to reconsider Art: IV. sect. 4- and to limit the number of representatives to be allowed to the large States. Unless this were done the small States would be reduced to entire insignificancy', and encouragement given to the importation of slaves. Mr. Sherman would agree to such a reconsideration, but did not see the necessity of postponing the section before the House.- Mr. Dickenson withdrew his motion. ( On the phrase "common defence and general welfare ", see Appendix A, CXXIII, CCCLXXII.

  • See further, August x8 (with references under note 6), August 22-24, August

(with references under note s Relating to direct taxation and census.