Page:The Records of the Federal Convention of 1787 Volume 2.djvu/591

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RECORDS OF THE FEDERAL CONVENTION $8? I?ednesday MADISON September MADISON Wednesday Sepr 12. x787? In Convention Docr. Johnson from the Committee of stile &c-- reported a digest of the plan, of which printed copies were ordered to be furnished to the members-- He also reported a letter to accompany the plan to, Congress. (here insert a transcript (of the former from the annexed sheet as printed * and of the latter from the draft as finally agreed to)4 Mr. WxL?.?SON moved to reconsider the clause requiring three fourths of each House to overrule the negative of the President, in order to strike out ?a and insert ?}. He had he remarked himself proposed i instead of ?}, but he had since been convinced that the latter proportion was the best. The former puts too much in the power of the President. Mr. S?-?N was of the same opinion; adding that the States would not like to see so small a minority and the Presi- dent, prevailing over the general voice. In making laws re- gard should be had to the sense of the people. who are to be bound by them, and it was more probable that a single man should mistake or betray this sense than the Legislature Mr Govr Mo?a?s. Considering the difference between the two proportions numerically, it amounts in one House to two members only; and in the other to not more than five, accord- ing to the numbers of which the Legislature is at first to be composed -- It is the interest moreover of the distant States to prefer':} as they will be oftenest absent and need the inter- posing check of the President. The excess rather than the deficiency of laws was to be dreaded. The example of N. York shows that a s is not sufficient to answer the purpose. Mr. H.?uXr,TON added his testimony to the fact that {} in N. York had been ineffectual either where a popular object, or a legislative faction operated; of which he mentioned some instances. �(This is a literal copy of the printed Report. ? The Copy in the printed Journal contains some of the alterations subsequently made in the House.) There is no such transcript among the Madison Papers, A copy of the printed .repo? _iS ?iven below."