Page:The Records of the Federal Convention of 1787 Volume 2.djvu/612

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606 KECOF. DS OF THE FEDERAL CONVENTION Thursday MADISON September ? 3 DETAIL OF AYES AND NoEs. Questions [5?4] aye no postpone the report respecting the zznd and z3rd [5x5] aye aye aye [Sx6] noiaye[ [no agree to add "for two years" [517]ayelaye [ aye to insert "servlce" in- stead of "servitude" [518] no I no I no strike out the words "and direct Taxes" [5'9] no[ nol no . [Solayelaye I no rescind the rule for adjournment [SZX] noJno I no [Sz2]ayejayeJ strike out the word aye "to" ?ore establish US? MADISON Thursday Sepr. 13. W87. In Convention Col. Mason -- He had moved without success for a power to make sumptuary regulations. He had not yet lost sight of his object. After descanting on the extravagance of our manners, the excessive consumption of foreign superfluities, and the necessity of restricting it, as well with ceconomical as republican views, he moved that a Committee be appointed to report articles of Association for encouraging by the advice the influence and the example of the members of the Con- vention, ceconomy frugality and american manufactures. Docr Johnson 2ded the motion which was without debate agreed to --nem: con: and a Committee appointed, consisting