Page:The Records of the Federal Convention of 1787 Volume 2.djvu/618

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6IZ RECORDS OF THE FEDERAL CONVENTION Friday MADISON September MADISON Friday Sepr. I4th. ?787 In Convention The Report of the Committee of stile & arrangement being resumed, Mr. Williamson moved to reconsider in order to increase the number of Representatives fixed for the first Legislature. His purpose was to make an addition of one half generally to the number allotted to the respective States; and to allow two to the smallest States. On this motion N. It. no--- Mas. no. Ct no. N. J'-- no. Pa ay-- Del. ay. Md ay. Va. ay. N C. a�. S-- C. no. Geo. no [Ayes--5; noes -- 6.] Art. I. sect. 3.-- the words *" by lot" were struck out nero: con: on motion of Mr. Madison, that some rule might prevail in the rotation that would prevent both the members from the same State from going out at the same time- "Ex officio" struck out of the same section as superfluous; nero: con: {and "or affirmation" after "oath" inserted also unanimously -- ) Mr Rutlidge and Mr. Govr. Morris moved "thht persons impeached be suspended from their oflSce until they be tried and acquitted" Mr. Madison- The President is made too dependent already on the Legislature, by the power of one branch to try him in consequence of an impeachment by the other. This intermediate suspension, will put him in the power of one branch only -- They can at any moment, in order to make way for the functions of another who will be more favorable to their views, vote a temporary removal of the existing magis- trate -- Mr. King {concurred) in the opposition to the amendment On the question to agree to it N m H. no. Mas. no--Ct. ay--N--J. no. Pa. no. Del---

  • {"By lot's had been reinstated from the Report of five made Aug. 6. as a eor-

rectlon of the printed report by the Come of stile & arrangement.)