Page:The Red Fairy Book.djvu/405

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’General Lists of Works.

WORKS BY RICHARD A PROCTOR. Old and New Astronomy. 12 Parts, 2*. 6d. each. Supplementary Section, 1*. Complete In 1 vol. 4to. 3Si. [In covrse of publication. The Orbs Around Us. With Chart and Diagram!. Crown 8vo. 6*. Other Worlds than Ours. With 14 Illustrations . Crown 8vo. 5*. The Moon. With Plates, Charts, Woodcuts, and Photographs. Crown 8vo. 5*. Universe of Stars. With 22 Charts and 22 Diagrams. 8vo. 10*. Sd, Light Science for Leisure Hours. 3 vols. crown 8vo. 5*. each. Chance and Luck. Crown 8vo. 2j. boards; 2s. 6d. cloth. Larger Star Atlas for the Library, in 12 Circular Maps. Folio, 15*. New Star Atlas, in 12 Circular Maps (with 2 Index Plates). Crown 8vo. 6. The Student’s Atlas. 12 Circular Maps. 8vo. 5*. Transits of Venus. With 20 Lithographic Plates; and 38 Illustrations. 8vo. St. 6d. Studies of Venus-Transits. With 7 Diagrams and 10 Plates. 8vo. 5*. Elementary Physical Geography. With 33 Maps and Woodcuti. Fcp. 8vo. 1*. 6d. Lessons in Elementary Astronomy. With 47 Woodcuts. Fcp. 8vo. 1*. 6d. First Steps in Geometry. Fcp. 8vo. 3*. 6d. Easy Lessons in the Differential Calculus. Fcp. 8vo. 2i. 6d. How to Play Whist, with the Laws and Etiquette of Whist. Crown 8vo. 3$. 6d. Home Whist: an Easy Guide to Correct Play. 16mo. 1*. The Stars in their Seasons. Imperial 8vo. 6*. Strength. With 9 Illustrations. Crown 8vo. 2s, Strength and Happiness. With 9 Illustrations. Crown 8vo. 5*. The Seasons Pictured in Forty-eight Sun- Views of the Earth, and ^Twenty-four Zodiacal Maps and other Drawings. Demy 4to. 6*. The Star Primer; showing the Btarry Sky, week by week. Crown 4to. 2*. 6<J. Nature Studies. By Grant Allen, A.Wilson, E. Clodd, and E. A. Proctor. Cr . 8vo. 5i . Leisure Headings. By E. Clodd, A. Wilson, and B. A. Proctor, &c. Cr. 8vo. 8*. Rough Ways Made Smooth. Crown 8vo. 5*. Our Place Among Infinities. Crown 8vo. 6*. The Expanse of Heaven: Essays on the Wonders of the Firmament. Crown vo. 5s. Pleasant Ways in Science. Crown 8vo. S*. Myths and Marvels of Astronomy. Crown 8vo. 5*. The Great Pyramid: Observatory, Tomb, and Temple. Crown 8vo. 5*. AGRICULTURE, HORSES, DOGS AND CATTLE. Fitzwygram’s Horses and Stables. 8vo. 5*. Lloyd’s The Science of Agriculture. 8vo. IS*. London’s Encyclopaedia of Agriculture. 21*. Prethero’s Pioneers and Progress of English’ Farming. Orown 8vo. 5*. Steel’s Diseases of the Ox, a Manual of Bovine Pathology. 8vo. If*. Dog. 8vo. 10*. 6d. Stonehenge’s Dog in Health and Disease. Square crown 8vo. 7*. 64. Villa on Artificial Manures, by Crookes. 8vo. 21*. Youatt’B Work on the Dog. 8vo. 6*. Horse. 8vo. 7*. 6d. LONGMANS, GKREEN, & CO., London and New York.