Page:The Red Man and the White Man in North America.djvu/546

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flicts as they threatened or broke out; the measures for effecting this interchanging and alternating, as circumstances favored or decided, between peaceful negotiations, presents, bribes, and annuities, and a resolute use of military power.

3. To improve, reclaim from barbarism, and elevate the natives, and to make them fit for citizenship.

There is no inconsistency, no necessary clashing, between these objects. On the contrary, they seem and really are harmonious; mutually helpful parts of a hopeful and promising plan for serving the interests of all concerned, and for advancing the most desirable ends of humanity, civilization, and a common prosperity.

But none the less have practical and very serious difficulties and perplexities, and some very lamentable mistakes and calamities, been encountered by the Government in its purposes and efforts to secure these three objects. It was requisite for success that all these three designs and intents should have been kept in view in every stage of a protracted and complicated responsibility. But circumstances, and, as we may say, emergencies and surprises, have from time to time induced the Government to lay the whole stress of its interest and activity upon a single one of those objects, to the neglect or the sacrifice of the others. Hence has come inconstancy of purpose, change of policy, vacillation of aim, reconsideration of measures, and what has in fact amounted to a thwarting and undoing of its own plans and work. At one time the rapid removal of the Indians has been the chief end in view, and measures to effect it have engrossed attention. Then, in frequent alternations of debate and congressional action, reliance has been placed now on a peace policy, which, being pronounced by military men and frontier settlers a proved failure, next yields to a stern recourse to arms. And, to crown the confusion of the matter, there are many who claim it to be a certified fact that the Indians cannot be civilized.